Our Partners

Alcat Worldwide

The Alcat Test is a lab based immune stimulation test in which a patient’s WBC’s are challenged with various substances including foods, additives, colorings, chemicals, medicinal herbs, functional foods, molds and pharmaceutical compounds. The patient’s unique set of responses help to identify substances that may trigger potentially harmful immune system reactions.

The Alcat Test objectively classifies a patient’s response to each test substance as reactive, borderline or non-reactive. Based on these classifications, a cus-tomized elimination/rotation diet may be designed to effectively eliminate the specific triggers of chronic immune system activation. By reducing this ongoing burden – and in particular, by reversing the sustained and destructive inflammation it produces – normal body functions and immune system balance can be improved.

Vibrant Wellness

Vibrant Wellness is a leading science and technology company delivering life-transforming laboratory services using an integrated microarray platform that enables multiplex testing at an affordable cost. One test performed is the Gut Zoomer which is the most comprehensive stool analysis available of your intestinal microbiome ecosystem. This test examines the complex and intricate relative abundance of each species or genus measured to provide a unique perspective on the gut microbiome and its connection to disease and inflammation.


Metagenics was founded in 1983 on a brave new scientific concept: how the right nutrition could help people realize their best health possible by influencing what makes them unique—their genes. Back then we called it “genetic potential through nutrition.” It also makes us unique—it’s been our mission and a key differentiator ever since.

Mulligan Concept

The Physiotherapy treatment of musculoskeletal injuries has progressed from its foundation in remedial gymnastics and active exercise to therapist-applied passive physiological movements and on to therapist-applied accessory techniques. Brian Mulligan’s concept of mobilizations with movement (MWMS) in the extremities and sustained natural apophyseal glides (SNAGS) in the spine are the logical continuance of this evolution with the concurrent application of both therapist applied accessory and patient generated active physiological movements.

MD Prescriptives

MD Prescriptives is a new line with a simple philosophy – create a clinician and consumer friendly product, based on the latest science, based on clinical experience in thousands of patients spanning over several decades, using the most bio-available forms at therapeutic doses, regardless of their cost and offer them at a reasonable price.


NAIOMT was founded in the United States by Canadian physiotherapists, manual therapy instructors and examiners, Erl Pettman, James Meadows, Cliff Fowler and the late David Lamb, to facilitate their philosophy of the sharing of manual therapy skills. In 1982 they began teaching a series of four manual therapy course levels in Seattle, San Francisco, Denver and Knoxville. The Clinical Residency program began in 1993, and was credentialed as a fellowship program in 2001.

NAIOMT became incorporated in the State of Oregon in 1994. It is governed by a Board of Directors who are physical therapists and clinicians, with day to day operations the responsibility of its various divisions and the Executive Committee. The majority of the faculty provides clinical instruction and resides in the US.

Nutritional Frontiers

Nutritional Frontiers is breaking through nutritional boundaries to provide the most comprehensive, researched and therapeutic natural solutions for patients today! The “new frontier in nutrition” maximizes synergy with the latest technology in manufacturing with the highest quality control standards, cutting edge unique formulations, and patient friendly educational programs. Our formulas and programs are designed by healthcare practitioners based upon the best research available to provide the most effective, safe and therapeutic natural solutions.

Spectracell Laboratories

SpectraCell is the leader in nutritional testing. We utilize the most advanced technology, provide the highest quality service to our physician clients nationwide, and understand that our ultimate responsibility is patient care. A CLIA accredited laboratory, SpectraCell’s specialized offerings include the most advanced tests for assessment of nutritional deficiencies and cardiovascular risk. Through its dedication to research and development, SpectraCell also provides innovative diagnostic analysis in the emerging fields of anti-aging medicine and genetic testing

Designs for Health

 Designs for Health believes in science-based nutrition and natural medicine, developing health products without compromise and advancing the way education and technology support wellness for all. At DFH, holistic thinking comes first. Functional medicine becomes conventional medicine. Supplements and lifestyles converge. A wellness epidemic begins. With unique formulations and some of the highest quality products they are a much recommended company with nutritional products.