Telehealth Specialist
Therapeutic Rehab Specialists
Physical Therapy & Intramuscular Dry Needling located in Brandon, FL & Pinellas Park, FL
Having the ability to connect with your doctor is especially important during uncertain times. That’s why Anthony Pribila, DSc, and the team at Therapeutic Rehab Specialists provide telehealth services from their offices in Pinellas Park, Brandon, and Lakeland, Florida. Telehealth allows you to visit with the team virtually when you can’t make an in-person visit. To schedule a telehealth visit, call the office or book an appointment online now.
Telehealth Q & A
What is telehealth?
Telehealth uses digital technology and information to provide standard health care services without an in-person visit. There are many reasons you may not be able to make an in-person visit.
Telehealth also allows you to connect with your healthcare team if you have a hectic schedule or if you can't make childcare arrangements beforehand. Currently, patients are using telehealth to schedule appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How does telehealth work?
Therapeutic Rehab Specialists can provide most telehealth services over secure video and audio connections. With telehealth, you and your provider share information using technology through an app or video conferencing software.
Most telehealth visits are similar to your in-person appointments. Your provider starts by reviewing your medical history and assessing any changes in your symptoms since your last visit.
It's essential to be as detailed as possible during a telehealth visit so that your provider has a better understanding of your condition. Using your medical history and information collected during your telehealth visit, they can make an informed diagnosis.
The team will also be able to guide you through physical therapy exercises as needed or refresh your memory on previous things you've learned with your provider.
What are the benefits of telehealth?
Telehealth allows you the flexibility to live your life while still making your scheduled visits. They're also more cost-effective than an in-person visit, as you don't have to spend money on gas, childcare, or public transportation to make it to your appointment.
If visiting doctors' offices makes you feel nervous, you may feel more comfortable talking to your provider from your own home.
What happens after a telehealth visit?
After your telehealth visit with Therapeutic Rehab Specialists, you may be able to order any prescriptions or medication you need online.
Telehealth is a convenient, cost-effective way to get the care you need without an in-person visit. To learn more, call Therapeutic Rehab Specialists or schedule an appointment online today.
Physical Therapymore info
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