Intramuscular Dry Needling for Cervicogenic Dizziness and Headache

A 2018 study from the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies found when the obliquus capitus inferior (oci) was treated with intramuscular dry needling that 2/3 of those treated had a full resolution of dizziness when tested two days later and all had a reduction of complaints of dizziness when tested six months later. The treatment consisted of two .25 mm x .30 mm needles inserted into the posterior upper cervical spine midway between the C1 and C 2 vertebral segments with two patient finger widths apart from the midline in an anterior medial direction into the C 2 lamina with unidirectional and bidirectional rotation to elicit the desired twitch response.  The addition of electric muscle stimulation is added for improved effectiveness of the technique. At Therapeutic Rehab Specialists we are experts in intramuscular dry needling, especially in conditions of the upper cervical spine with problems such as dizziness and headaches. Dr. Pribila is available in our Lakeland and Brandon offices and is double-certified in dry needling. Call 813-8876-8771 for more information and check us out on the web at: